I was 21 years old and weighed 346lbs. Here’s my story. I was always overweight but my journey started my junior year of college. I was getting tired very easily and just loved food so much and failed so many times that I just kept gaining. Felt like I was constantly buying clothes and wasting money because I would very quickly grow out of them and knew I needed to end it. Failing over and over again I knew I was approaching it the wrong way. After finding a sustainable approach without completely restricting myself, I finally was able to drop 25 pounds in 1 month. This was the ultimate motivational boost I needed that led to a 75 pound loss. After this I felt like a different person and kept doing what I was doing and after 17 months I lost 110 pounds. I know the challenge never ends and it never really got easier but the gained motivation and determination to never go back helped me stick it out.