Why would you want to talk to Gene? Because your business is not as profitable as it could or should be. Because he is an expert at profit improvement strategies that don't involve spending money! From negotiating employee and consultant contracts, to protecting Intellectual Property, to making Business Units autonomous, Gene is uniquely qualified to steer you clear of the marketing sharks, and into the bay of profitability.
Working as a consultant with clients like Target, American Express, Kraft foods, and P&G over the last 20 years has allowed Gene to bring you the lessons learned from the Fortune 500 (or even 50) to your startup or growing company struggling to achieve profitability.
Gene focuses on achieving results by improved efficiency through process re-engineering and operational optimization. Most small companies focus the core of their spending on Marketing and Sales efforts, neglecting the parts of the company responsible for delivery and ultimately profitability.
Because the focus of Gene's strategy is on refining what you already have, you will not be asked to invest tens or hundreds of thousands on increasing your marketing. You will end up with a 'tighter ship' that is able to derive higher profits from your existing business.
Call today for a free 30 minute consultation... https://clarity.fm/genen/FreeConsult
Full resume available on LinkedIn http://lnkd.in/2_UbmG