Chester McLaughlin
Greater San Diego Area
Marketing Technologist. Advancing the goals of non-profits and ministries through appropriate messaging and technology. Mass communication, individual message. Helping complex organizations develop focused brands.
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Social Media
Social Media Marketing
Email Marketing
Web Analytics
Marketing Technology
Strategic Planning
Adobe Creative Suite
Strategic Marketing Consultancy
Member since December 2012
Areas of Expertise
$1.67/min per minuteNew ArrivalMarketing TechnologyChester McLaughlin • Greater San Diego AreaCreated 12 years ago in Technology / MobileMy IT beginnings in an ad agency helped me appreciate the fact that technology facilitates human connection, and when the importance of the technology eclipses the importance of the human connection, it's useless. The appropriate use of technology requires an in depth knowledge of not only how technology actually works, but how people actually interact with technology.Chester McLaughlin Greater San Diego AreaNew Arrival
$1.67/min per minuteNew ArrivalWeb Service Selection & ImplementationChester McLaughlin • Greater San Diego AreaCreated 12 years ago in Technology / MobileDo you need a microphone or a megaphone? Do you need a blog or wiki? Do you need free services or enterprise services? These days you can't afford to sink hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars into a product/platform/service that isn't tried and true. Incremental, iterative, and integrated efforts are the only way to go. Understanding the capabilities of a web service is just as important as understanding the needs of the organization utilizing that service.Chester McLaughlin Greater San Diego AreaNew Arrival
$1.67/min per minuteNew ArrivalCopywriting & Brand ArticulationChester McLaughlin • Greater San Diego AreaCreated 12 years ago in Sales & Marketing / CopywritingWho are you? What do you do? Are you too close to see it clearly, let alone articulate it? You may be complex, but your first interaction with your target demographic must be simple. Clear, concise, and consistent messaging that flows out of a strong brand identify is the only way content marketing can succeed.Chester McLaughlin Greater San Diego AreaNew Arrival
$1.67/min per minuteNew ArrivalMass Email (Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Etc)Chester McLaughlin • Greater San Diego AreaCreated 12 years ago in Sales & Marketing / Email MarketingRegardless what Email Service Provider you choose to go with, you're going to have to figure out how to manage your various lists and segments. Will your event registration pages allow people to sign up for your monthly newsletter? Will your e-commerce product pages allow people to get alerts for price changes? Will your latest campaigns be redundantly received by some recipients? Is your email communication a separate channel or a part of your holistic communication strategy?Chester McLaughlin Greater San Diego AreaNew Arrival
Social Media
Social Media Marketing
Email Marketing
Web Analytics
Marketing Technology
Strategic Planning
Adobe Creative Suite
Strategic Marketing Consultancy