I conduct seminars for entrepreneurs. having ability to solve any issue related to business and most important "i personally do research and tries to resolve it quickly and smartly"
I'm here to help you with New business ideas as per market requirement. If you having any concept of business will help you and Guide you how you can implement it with lowest fund. I can provide you best alternative for low funding business.
Rest of thing will discuss when we get connected.
Thanks in advance..!!
Five reasons Startup fails.. Reason 1. Market Problem Reason 2.Business model failure Reason 3.Poor management team Reason 4.Running out of cash. Reason 5.Product Issue
I will suggest SOCIAL MEDIA is the best platform to promote any sort of business. Please do research which social media site getting higher traffic,conversion rate.
It should be depend upon Business owner basically but as per my perspective it depends on type of investment. mean to say if investor is angel go for lower one based of fund raise by him/her. And if investor is active issue twice of Angel investor.
for more details please feel free to request call.
If you wish to know How To create blog...You need to follow 6 Basic Steps.
1.Decide about your NICHE (any hot topic/ you having good skill in it) 2.Pick Your Blog name/Domain Name It must be short and sweet and it should be Descriptive. 3. Technically short blog (Not heavy site/domain) Please do some research on content management system i would recommend you "Wordpress" to make technically short blog. 4.Select Wordpress/Blog Theme If you are running through short of Money go for Free theme or you can buy it. Please refere below sites for Themes. https://wpastra.com/build-blog-with-elementor/ https://wordpress.org/themes/flash-blog/ https://www.divilayouts.com/ 5.Create content that converts Positive approach towards blog/niche,Do keyword research (Recommend you to do some keyword research on Pint-rest/uber suggest). 6.Promote you content and get traffic to your sites. SPECIAL NOTE: Please Dont rush to get traffic using some illigal ways. promote your content on below platform, hope you will get good and convertible traffic. Pintrest,Google,facebook,Youtube,Forum Question & Answer,Guest Posting.
hope you got how to make blog.Please feel free to make call for any challenges.
Please Upvoke if you satisfied with answer.
All the very best...!!