You are a "lean start-up," right? - Here's the truth - Even the smartest teams need more than "lean" to get to market!
I understand, I'm a serial entrepreneur myself..
More times than not early stage companies need credible help to validate and pressure test a host of tactical and strategic assumptions. Job #1: make your team, model, plan and story investment ready. Not old school, stodgy, or outdated; we focus on your competitive separation, differentiating your team, model, and plan of execution. I combine, package and integrate the best of "lean start-up" thinking with contemporary, credible, and applied experience.
New media/tech business modeling, "hands off" mentoring, sales and channel marketing expertise, leading edge creative website development, complex technology architecture, access to angel, VC networks, and hard to find industry resources. Guess what? They don't all have to come with suits or stale corporate baggage.
My theory..we all need someone to occassionally pry the "Kool-Aid" from our hands so that we stay real, stay focused, and deliver results. Starting a company is 5% idea and 95% execution, and the further down the field you get the steeper the climb and the tougher the road. There are no shortcuts to excellence, most success stories are as much about avoiding mistakes as they are about innovation. Know what you don't know, embrace that reality, capitalize on getting to market faster and stronger.