Marketing & big data expert. Captain Dash Ceo and co founder. Past : CEO OgilvyOne & OgilvyInteractive France, CEO DraftFCB France, CEO & cofounder l'Enchanteur
Expert in Marketing for 15 years
Expert in Big Data for marketers
Bruno is smart and has an instinctive approach of Web 2.0. He possesses a global and really innovative vision of the market. Nice to work with him.
Bruno is a brilliant, unconventional thinker who is harnessing the power of Big Data to uncover the deep connections between macro realities and micro decisions. I look forward to watching the fruits of his pioneering work at Captain Dash.
Bruno is a person with great background and deep experience of IT world, data consumer and digital culture. Bruno is an innovative, responsible and customer focused person. Precise, insightful and goal oriented expert. Great perfectionist, with great sense of humor also !
Bruno in few words : sharp strategic vision, accurate creativity, large technical culture, wide and wise network, big sense of humor.
Bruno loves Digital Innovation as much as he loves Data. During his time as CEO of OgilvyOne France, he made the most to carry both, along with his vision that it's only by having full control on data that you can create great products, great engagement and great innovation. His profound understanding of the challenges of digital entrepreneurship made him a passionate and inspiring president, bringing OgilvyOne France right inside the digital age.
Bruno has an approach commercial,social,politic which is always amazing and that is reflected in the future. In other words, Bruno Walter is a visionary with an even better quality, the ability to say Action!
Bruno is a visonnaire, bright and really easy going person...He is always one steps ahead when it comes to use technology to bring added value in the field of marketing... A free spirit as you seldom meet...