Responsible for proof of concept designs for the Internet of Everything.
Maximum Balance Foundation with the assistance of key partners referenced by California Department of Apprenticeship Standards (file # 29710) and DAS Form #7 signature participation, teaches students to analyze, test, troubleshoot, and evaluate existing network systems, such as local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and Internet systems or a segment of a network system.
Cisco Career Certifications and California Apprenticeship Certification
We offer five levels of network certification: Entry, Associate, Professional, Expert and Architect, the highest level of accreditation within the Cisco Career Certification program.
The program focuses on developing, prototyping and networking those products to the internet, and places a strong emphasis on growing the people and leaders behind the project in an effort to instill strong ethics, morals and a sense of responsibility to their community.
As part of the main benefits of membership, we provide Funding Opportunities for select startup Members when their company is ready to raise a seed stage round of funding. In addition, CityLab, LLC. provides seed stage funding to specific Member and non-member companies that meet our investment criteria. We also provide introductions to angel investors and early stage VC firms from our investor network.
I typically take a retainer of half of my overall fee in the following milestones schedule:
Agreement Signed: $200 administrative fee.
Contractor Commitment: $2000
Plans and Permitting Submitted: $3000