A native of Belgium, I have resided in many countries including the US, Canada, and various European and Latin American countries before settling down in Buenos Aires Argentina. This personal experience was responsible for shaping my professional interest in intercultural issues. I enjoy working with individuals, couples and families of diverse backgrounds and cultures. I earned my BA from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), my MA from the United States International University (Mexico campus), a postgraduate in Systemic Psychotherapy from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and my PhD in Psychology from the Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires, Argentina). I am currently in private practice in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am a university professor, a board member of the Asociación de Psicoterapia Sistémica de Buenos Aires, and an associate of the Fundación Centro de Estudios Sistémicos (associated with the Houston Galveston Institute). I am the editor-in-chief of the Argentinean family therapy journal Sistemas familiares y otros sistemas humanos, host the online community Postmodern Therapies (PMTH), the author of Abuso emocional en la pareja: Construcciones y deconstrucciones de género, and have also written numerous articles on postmodern topics. I lecture in national and international conferences on topics such as the social construction of gender, postmodernism and impunity. I am an online therapist and an intercultural consultant. I am especially interested in cultural diversity and difference, as well as intercultural and social issues.