I know more than anyone i know about Pain and Cancer! even the so called experts. I know what they are, why they are important messengers, what purpose pain and cancer are serving and best of all, how to make friends with them, get pain and cancer on your side and ultimately have them serve you instead of you serving pain and cancer.
By this time of course Pain and Cancer have all but become your friend and are totally under control.
The methods i use?
Diet, relationships, exercise, rare technology, rare supplements, spiritulity, no rubbish. Just straight to what you need to bring you back into piece depending on what works best for you. No 1 bullet cures all, we are all different and nobody understands that better than me.
I also have access to most of the methodologies i'm going to refer you to.
You never know, you might just be having a bad case of critters, it'll be easy for me to tell in a few questions.
Check my website cre8-heath.com for testimonials from clients
I'm currently in Asia on business. Hence the chinese phone number.