▪ Managing a $15 million online marketing budget and delivering highly profitable marketing campaigns.
o Leading Data Science and Analytics teams in successfully optimizing spend by most profitable customer segment.
o Consistently testing and learning messaging and bidding methodologies.
o Automating spend allocation where possible and appropriate.
o Redesigning reporting to enable continual improvement of online campaigns using data-driven decisions.
o Combined, these have increased Session to Quote rates by 30%.
▪ Identifying the need to change CRM vendor and leading the migration from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Adobe Campaign. The CRM function is now better able to meet company demands and is more scalable, enabling new revenue generating campaigns.
▪ Doubling PPC sales volume and halving CPA from May 2016 to December 2017. This was achieved by leading best practice account changes with Elite SEM, Merkle, Marin and Kenshoo.