MenuBootstrapping and Online Marketing
Created 11 years ago in Funding / Bootstrapping
In 2010, when I decided to launch http://ACEHackware.com, I did so without so much as a smidgen of experience with e-commerce, online marketing or outsourcing.
Today, that e-commerce business produces enough revenue to enable my wife and I to live wherever we want on less than 15 hours of work per week, while still seeing continuous growth of our customer base, revenue and net profits, month over month.
If you're trying to bootstrap your startup, there's no better way to ensure success than by moving quickly and failing fast, and I'd love to help you by sharing the expertise I've developed as a result of my own stupendous successes and fantastic failures.
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Taylor Banks
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Taylor Banks is a Hacker, Entrepreneur and Location-independent Startup Mentor. Founder @ ACE Hackware, Organizer and Mentor @dc404 and @cloudmeetup. Mastermind Coach. Passionate about Startups. Frequent Speaker on Anonymity, Privacy, and Security. Download slides and watch videos of my security and privacy talks at Black Hat, B-Sides, DEF CON, The Georgia Institute of Technology, Hacker Halted, ISACA, ISSA, LayerOne, and ShmooCon on SlideShare and YouTube.