Business & Life Strategist for Entrepreneurs
Created 12 years ago in Skills & Management / Coaching

My personal adventure began in 1998 when I was going through a challenging time in my life and finally admitted to myself that on some level – I had never been truly happy.
Although I changed: husbands (twice), cities (five moves), podiatric practices (three different practices in three different states) and friends (should we go there?), I still had no real joy in my life. I was so miserable that I felt like a leap of faith was needed.
I sold my very successful practice, my boy-friend (only kidding), my beautiful home – and closed the surgical residency program I was director of (yes, that was a pretty big deal – and yes, the medical community thought I was NUTS).
(Truly – it’s hard to feel successful when you’re unhappy in your work and can’t maintain a healthy relationship. No matter what it looks like on the outside to everyone else, it feels like CRAP on the inside.)
The bottom line is that I was a good girl – I followed my parent’s rules, went to college and medical school, found a nice Jewish guy to marry but in the end it didn’t work out because I wasn’t being true to myself. I spent all those years educating myself, going in a direction I never wanted to go in.
I was frustrated because I felt like I couldn’t do what I wanted to do and I was compromising my dream. So I finally walked away from my schooling, a very successful practice, and a phenomenal income to find my heart’s desire. I turned my back on what my family wanted for me even though it made my parents proud – because it didn’t really make ME feel proud to be living a lie.
Fortunately, during this time I received a copy of don Miguel Ruiz’s NY Times best-selling book (The Four Agreements®) and decided to go on one of his spiritual journeys to the sacred site of Teotihuacán, Mexico. The journey was profound.
After leaving behind the world of medicine and financial success, I discovered there wasn’t anything outside of myself that needed changing at all – instead it was what I believed about myself and my world that needed work.
It was the first time I realized my pain stemmed from: my basic lack of self-love, self-trust, creative imagination – and a whole lot of limiting beliefs. As a result of that journey, I became a student of don Miguel’s and later, a teacher of this enlightening work that even Oprah was fond of.
I spent nearly 8 years on a transformative spiritual quest with my teacher. I took a year and a half off the beginning of my journey to reflect on my life and explore the landscape of my inner world. It was a rocky, unforgiving place at first (most of us are willing to forgive others before ourselves). But over time, I gained the skills + tools to shift my own reality (and that of others) — from the inside out.
Learning from don Miguel inspired me to write two books on personal growth + consciousness: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Toltec Wisdom and Banish Mind Spam! and one awesome online program, The How To Forgive E-Course.
During my time with don Miguel I had the privilege to design and organize his journeys and retreats. It was a fantastic opportunity to wander around the world and learn the travel business at the same time inspiring me to give birth to my coaching practice and Journeys of the Spirit® in 2003, and later JOTS® Luxury Travel in 2011.
However, after being a Master Toltec teacher for 8 years I finally felt that it was time to move on again (so I could be true to myself rather than perpetuate the lie of not being myself – yet again!).
What’s so shocking to me is the number of people who never challenge themselves to greatness and instead stay in situations that are safe – regardless of how unfulfilling they are (whether that means staying in a job that no longer makes your heart sing or a relationship that’s no longer loving). Honestly, I spent years fooling myself and everyone else and trust me – that’s NOT where you want to be.
If this sounds like you in any way - you can decide to stand in the personal power of who you truly are, get real, and finally create the life and business you’ve always wanted – regardless of what anyone else thinks. Here’s what I know for sure.
1- You don’t have to work multiple jobs to have abundance, or work yourself to death. You just have to get serious/committed about your business and start working smart or you’ll never get off the treadmill of mediocrity.
2- You don’t even need a business degree, or any degree for that matter, to be successful.
3- You don’t have to sell your soul to have a safe job – you can do whatever you want.
4- You don’t have to live where you work – you can be FREE to work + travel worldwide.
5- Nourishing yourself needs to be a high priority – abundance comes when you have the energy to create it.
6- Expressing your heart authentically through your outer image makes it easy to attract fabulous friends, partners + clients.
7- Having deep connections, a spiritual practice, and being in service in life gives it greater meaning + satisfaction.
8- Being happy inside makes it easy to express your love openly in all you do.
It’s time to stop playing small right now + it’s time to be YOU from balls to bones.
Personally, I’M TIRED of seeing wonderful – no – fabulously awesome people living mediocre lives fulfilling other people’s dreams rather than creating unlimited abundance (in every direction), amazing success, an extraordinary life, and true wealth in every direction.
And there’s nothing more irritating than seeing folks who have a critically important gift to share not be able to monetize their passions because – either they’re sabotaging themselves or they simply don’t have a business plan that works – or both. Creating a fabulous business and life takes a combination of the proper mindset, a business plan that’s succinct and reproducible, and a healthy body + nourished spirit.
So what are you waiting for? Don’t let the cosmic two-by-four hit you upside the head! (you know…when life whacks you on the head so you can wake up, take action, and finally change?) Today you can take control of the only thing you CAN take control of – creating your best life. If you need help creating the life you know you should be living please give me a ring and we'll get started.
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Dr Sheri Rosenthal
Gulfport, Florida
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Dr Sheri Rosenthal is known as one of the most sought after retreat strategists for coaches, speakers, and authors — and is the owner of Journeys of the Spirit travel agency. She is famous for helping clients plan, fill, and profit from transformational retreats that both change lives and add serious income to their bottom line!
Reviews (10)
Sheri is one of those people who walks her talk. Not only is she a gifted teacher of deep spiritual wisdom, but she has been inspired to create and lead spiritual journeys around the world. As the owner of a sacred travel company myself, Sheri and I have had opportunity to have people on each others trips and I really enjoy her openness to be collaborative and not competitive. Sheri is leading by example of how we can come together to create a new humanity based on love, compassion, cooperation and unity.
Helen Tomei, Owner/Founder
Sacred Earth Journeys
Sheri is one of the most authentic people I know. She approaches all of her endeavors with a sense of service, passion and compassion. She is consciously, connected to source, listens intently to It's guidance, and courageously follows It's leading. I have deep respect for Sheri and her work.
Source: LinkedIn Robin Hankins Nov 25, 2012Dr. Sheri has a wonderful way of explaining the warrior way in terms and gestures that make it very understandable. She has a radiant energy and smile which helps one see that the warrior way is a truly fabulous way to live ones life. She is an inspiration.
Source: LinkedIn Tammy Ridenour Nov 25, 2012Sheri Rosenthal is an amazing spiritual teacher, author and public speaker. Beyond her work she lives what she teaches to a degree that I have not often witnessed. In her work, with countless groups & individuals and through her books, she guides others toward the realization that mental perspective determines every experience and we do have the ability to choose our perspectives always. She offers her students practical, applicable insights & tools that empower them to become aware of and make their choices in perspective and make solid decisions for how they approach creating their lives. She is grounded, pragmatic, compassionate and a whole lot of fun!!
Sheri conducted her dreaming classes at my community center and I had a chance to interact with some of her clients and sit in on some of her classes. Her clients love her and they clearly evolve as a result of her guidance & teachings. She is a gifted dynamic facilitator.
We have become close friends over the years because she is so much fun and she lives what she dreams as authentically as anyone I know.
I am grateful to be part of her dream,
Judy Mauer, BSW
Creatively Organizing
Sheri's Spiritual Journeys are magical. I have traveled with Sheri to Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, and Egypt. The logistics were flawless and Sheri's teaching is inspiring.
Source: LinkedIn Jonathan Huie Nov 25, 2012Sheri has helped me to see so many things in my life that I don't think I would have discovered otherwise. I am happier and more at peace. Sheri is a great spiritual leader. She knows exactly the right questions to ask at just the right time. Going on a power journey with her is an incredible experience. If you have thought about taking a journey with yourself--to know yourself--call her.
Source: LinkedIn Margaret Johns Nov 25, 2012I have studied with Sheri now going on 7 years and I have been on over a dozen journeys with her. I would recommend this experience to anyone and everyone. Sheri has a way of working with the energy of the place we are at, what is coming up in your life and the situation at hand to help you see beyond and heal, taking you a step closer to the real you! Take a chance, take a trip and you'll come back a new person!
Source: LinkedIn Milagros "Millie" Munoz Nov 25, 2012Sheri is an incredibly gifted speaker, author and intuitive. I find her spiritual leadership and guidance to be a tremndous gift to all who encounter her. I met her when she was don Miguel Ruiz's Executive DIrector and she's blazed a path for many interested in the Toltec path of transformation .
Source: LinkedIn LeGrande Green Nov 25, 2012Sheri had a profound impact on my life from the moment we met. I joined Sheri on her 2-week mystical journey to Peru in October 2006. She is an excellent spiritual teacher, healer and very capable travel leader. In addition, she is loads of fun. I also highly recommend her book, With Forgiveness, her Forgiveness Tele-classes and personal healing sessions. Sheri's energy is infused with light!
Source: LinkedIn Deborah Dols Nov 25, 2012My (now) wife and I were very fortunate to join with Sheri on one of her spiritual journeys to Teotihuacan, Mexico. That week has not once left me and certainly started a transformation that is the happy and fulfilling journey of life I have today. Though my studies and growth have branched out along new avenues, Sheri Rosenthal remains in my heart and always will. Thanks Sheri! You are a wonderful and beautiful gift to the world!
Source: LinkedIn Kevin Royer Nov 25, 2012the startups.com platform
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