Shai Schechter
Marketing Personalization Consultant.
How much more might your subscribers buy if your web site's messaging could change on-the-fly to suit *who was reading it* and the kind of content they’ve already engaged with, who they are, and what they’ve bought?
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Member since October 2016
Areas of Expertise
SS$5/min per minute(2)Marketing PersonalizationShai Schechter • UKCreated 8 years ago in Sales & Marketing / OtherThere's no one-size-fits-all way of communicating. How much revenue are you missing out on if your web site is saying the same thing to everyone? Every savvy marketer knows that niching their messaging will increase sales, but hardly anyone’s doing it on-the-fly, per person, outside of personalizing the first name of their emails. By putting systems in place to systematically segment your audience (pre- and post-opt-in), and personalizing your web site & emails on-the-fly to suit who's reading, you can watch your conversion rates go through the roof. Want to learn how you can use marketing personalization to make you more profitable, and your customers happier? I'd be delighted to answer your questions -- book a callShai Schechter UK(2)
- Reviews 1
>I think Shai just saved me 20 hours of research time - in 15 mins. I booked the call because I was stuck: I wanted to leverage dynamic messaging on my landing pages and home page, but didn't know where to begin. He walked me through his recommendations on how to implement progressive profiling and on what questions to ask. It’s early days but it looks like conversion rates have more than doubled! (2,1% to 4,6%)
Source: Clarity Franz Sauerstein Jan 13, 2017the startups.com platform
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