Startup growth, agile product development
Ryan provided tons of valuable insight on our call. I highly recommend chatting with him if you want clear, unique, and extremely helpful advice on your SaaS or other project.
Ryan hired me and taught me the majority of what I know about event A/V. Bringing me on board he did a great job of training and preparing me for the job. He's extremely professional and takes a lot of pride in his job. He made sure to introduce me to everyone and make me feel part of the team.
My time working with Ryan at Mylar Designs was a defining time period in my career. Working alongside him, I was driven to work even harder than I ever had before. His dedication and tenacity were the drivers that led to the ultimate success and sale of Mylar Designs. From completing rush orders at all hours of the night to cold calling leads, I was always impressed by his need to succeed.