There is a very good answer on here i read above.. You definetly want people to discover you and the one thing about having people attract to your profile is by..
Being an expert, and sounding like one..
You want to give more advice about your expertise.. You can ask questions but ask a question anonymous, open ended preferred and then answer it..
Yes optimize your profile so that people know about you and what you have to offer..
There are places to post to attract people.. Social Media platforms and everything.. Posting can get taxing at times so post to gather data on whats the best post.. Then repurpose the ones that get the most engagement.
Next use paid advertising... Yes people are talking about organic marketing but it takes FOREVER... if you want to get results fast use paid advertising it doesn't cost that much and you want as much targeted traffic as possible..
Be authentic and think of it as gaining an audience, building a brand of you what you have to offer, and your story..
Hope this helps..