MenuWhat is the best technical setup for our bootstrapped mhealth development team?
We are working in a private corporate git, with cto inviting key contract developers, using Dropbox for access to final design elements, testflight setup for beta testing... Should we be utilizing appcelerator or appgyver steroids to submit to app stores after beta testing? Or should our single source of code hosting be git? What are other high functioning bootstrapped tech teams doing?
We use github for code hosting, issue tracking system and specs ( the wiki portion ). Dropbox for large files like designs, videos. Basecamp for collaboration and discussion coupled with real time chats over hipchat.
I bought into the appcelerator promise a while back but had since abandoned it for native development. It depends on your app but our app would look and behave significantly worse had we not gone native.
Hope this helps, call me If you need more info.
I have over 6 years of experience handling software project teams who are "dispersed" and only communicate through "virtual" means and by that I mean over the internet or intranet. I still like to re-emphasize here that TECHNOLOGY should be only to support BUSINESS OJECTIVES and not the other way round. This question borders on what ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE framework you and your CTO have determined for this project. Your enterprise architecture should be such that it is framed upon architecture "principles" that would enable your business or project objectives. Any of those app development tools you mentioned like Appcelerator ro appyver should do your job but then you need to ask yourself 'does it make more an ECONOMIC sense to DUPICATE tools and processes than to have a CONSOLIDATED tool that can be shared across our enterprise?' When you answer that question rightly, then you should be able to SELECT the right TOOL for your PROJECT NEED(Forgive my capitalization, it is meant for hinting).
In my experience as an enterprise architect, having a single consolidated master data repository is usually the optimal way to go.
Your other "high functioning bootstrapped tech teams" might be handling the other activities in the App development workflow such as Desinging, Development, Coding, Debugging, etc. depending on how the project manager decomposed the work packages.
You can give me a call for more clarifications.
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There are two sides to that question. One is the mobile app itself and the other is the backend. If I misunderstood in any way and you didn't mean "native" app I apologize in advance. On the backend, there is no clear cut answer to which is the "best". It depends solely on the developers you are able to get. We for example use Node.js , mongoDB, redis, elasticsearch and a couple of proprietary tools in the backend. But you have your pick of the litter now both on the backend api and the datastore with the myriad of options available and touted as the "best" currently on the market. Now on the app side again it solely depends on what you need your mobile app to do. Experiencing first-hand "develop once, run anywhere" I can say it's more like "develop once, debug everywhere" to quote a Java saying. We have tried Phonegap and Titanium Appcelerator and we have switched to native (ObjC and Java) after a couple of months of trying to go the hybrid route. The reasons behind the choice are as follows: - anything that breaks the pattern of how those frameworks NEED to operate is just a huge technical debt that keeps accruing a huge interest. - anything that uses css3 accelerated animations on Android is buggy at best and slow as hell at worst on any lower (< 4.1 I think) versions of Android I hope this gives you some insight. If you need/want to ask me anything feel free to contact me. MihaiMP
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To answer your questions: 1) Mobile companies at your stage usually raise angel funding at a valuation equivalent of $5,000,000 for US based companies and $4,000,000 to $4,500,000 for Canadian companies. 2) The valuation is a function of how much you raise against that valuation. For instance, selling $50,000 at $5,000,000 means you are selling debt that will convert into shares equal to roughly 1% of your company. 3) I would encourage you to check out my other answers that I've recently written that talk in detail about what to raise and when to raise. Given that you've now launched and your launch is "quiet", most seed investors are going to want to see substantial traction before investing. It's best for you to raise this money on a convertible note instead of actually selling equity, especially if you are intending on raising $50,000 - $100,000. Happy to schedule a call with you to provide more specifics and encourage you to read through the answers I've provided re fundraising advice to early-stage companies as well.TW
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My 2 favourite are: - www.uxpin.com - www.flinto.com Flinto is by far my favorite for mobile. I also us www.balsamiq.com for anything wireframe. Sometimes I jump into Sketch http://www.bohemiancoding.com/sketch/ for more high fidelity mockups using their Mirror feature http://www.bohemiancoding.com/sketch/mirror/ Hope that helps. P.S. There's a tonne of Mobile UX experts on Clarity, many $1/min - call them, you'll learn so much. my2cents.DM
If I am planning to launch a mobile app, do I need to register as a company before the launch?
I developed and published mobile apps as an individual for several years, and only formed a corporation later as things grew and it made sense. As far as Apple's App Store and Google Play are concerned, you can register as an individual developer without having a corporation. I'd be happy to help further over a call if you have any additional questions. Best of luck with your mobile app!AM
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