MenuI am a Pinterest Manager with an intermediate experience. Where can I get a job with an entry level experience easily?
Please I don't want Upwork or Fiverr. The odds are quite low for beginners. I would love if anyone is looking to hire me. Thank you
There are several platforms you can explore to find opportunities. Here are some suggestions:
1) Utilize popular job search engines such as Indeed , Glassdoor , LinkedIn, and Simply Hired using your relevant keyword.
2)Reach out to social media and digital marketing agencies. These agencies often have entry-level positions or internships available.
3)Consider Freelance Platforms such as Freelancer, Guru and Toptal.
4)Visit career section of websites of the companies directly.
Remember to built your resume and cover letter, to highlight your relevant skills.
I am hiring Pinterest Admins via OnlineJobs.ph
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