


What does retrograde mean for the planets?

The apparent backward motion of planets is called Retrograde. The word apparently has been used because in reality, the planets move slower when compared to other planets in the solar system. Planets on some given point of time when viewed from Earth will slow down and become stationary. Then they will start moving backward in the sky. If we take two trains running parallel in the same direction, one with higher speed from the other, then the train with lower speed will appear to move backward. In the same way, some planets appear to move backward in the sky when compared to others in the solar system. Which planets retrograde The Sun and Moon never retrograde. Rahu and Ketu always move on the reverse motion (or) vakri. Let us see about…


Acharya Kashyap AstroPsychic , Vedik Astrologer, Vastu, Psychic answered:

Retrograde means planets moving backward on its own axis. in astrological view , this time is really important when certain planets become retrograde.
it give mix results on human life depend on their degree and zodiac sign in which planets moving backward .
some planets give good results when they are retrograde and some are not.
it depend on person chart and position of planets in the chart.
Retrograde is not bad bad always

Ravi Panchal, Astrologer, philosopher, and solutions giver, answered:

Hi This is Ravi, By profession Astrologer, Pls find below answer.

Retrograted Planet means , Planet moves in return directions, He always looks back, not forward, like if saturn placement 7th house in your chart , if they not retrograted , they look at 9th house, 1st house and fourth house, but they retrograted they look at 5th house, 1st house, and tenth house. but pls note that Retrograted planet is not good in some condition. And sometimes its beneficiary. its all dipend on planet placement and transist.