


Where can I find a Blockchain Developer?

I want to self host an nft marketplace. We have a front end designer, but need a block chain developer so we don't have to use open sea, etc to sell our products.


Ripul Chhabra, AI & MVP Expert answered:

NFT platform is getting robust all over the world, every big brand and company is now paying attention to create their own tokenized NFT. Although the NFT marketplace is worth millions, yet creating your personal NFT marketplace can bring some challenges for you. Let us get across what is an NFT marketplace and how to create one. For more information, you can refer to https://techwink.net/blog/how-to-create-nft-marketplace/

I've successfully helped over hundreds of entrepreneurs, marketplace owners, and businesses, and I would be happy to help you in stragerting your NFT Marketplace.

Sanjeev Kumar, Generative AI, Metaverse, Crypto Venture Advisor answered:

One of the fastest way to find blockchain developers is to join discord channels of various blockchain projects and ask for developers there. Market currently is very hot but there are good chances you can find a developer there. Other possibility is to join hackathons and generally you can invite people to your team. If developers like your project, some of them may want to continue with your project afterwards.

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