MenuWhere can I find a Blockchain Developer?
I want to self host an nft marketplace. We have a front end designer, but need a block chain developer so we don't have to use open sea, etc to sell our products.
NFT platform is getting robust all over the world, every big brand and company is now paying attention to create their own tokenized NFT. Although the NFT marketplace is worth millions, yet creating your personal NFT marketplace can bring some challenges for you. Let us get across what is an NFT marketplace and how to create one. For more information, you can refer to https://techwink.net/blog/how-to-create-nft-marketplace/
I've successfully helped over hundreds of entrepreneurs, marketplace owners, and businesses, and I would be happy to help you in stragerting your NFT Marketplace.
You want to best blockchain developer
Here is the link .
One of the fastest way to find blockchain developers is to join discord channels of various blockchain projects and ask for developers there. Market currently is very hot but there are good chances you can find a developer there. Other possibility is to join hackathons and generally you can invite people to your team. If developers like your project, some of them may want to continue with your project afterwards.
Good afternoon I am a developer of ude for more than 15 years here is the last project on the crypt coinomi.tinyone.kz write implement any and not expensive
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What's the difference between a cryptocurrency coin and token? Is one any better than the other?
Although it appears to be semantics, it does make quite a big difference for a cryptocurrency as to whether it’s a coin or a token. A “coin” has an entirely different blockchain from all the other coins that are out there while a “token” is built upon an existing blockchain project. A “coin” is usually built using open-source blockchain code so what’s underpinning many of the coins that are out there is a very similar architecture. Many projects will add some unique features to build upon what’s open-source, but the foundation is mostly identical. A “token,” these days, is most often built upon Ethereum, becoming an ERC-20 token. The web architecture of the Ethereum blockchain is robust and familiar, so developers often opt to use this to streamline their coin. One disadvantage is if the Ethereum network gets overloaded, the cost of interacting with a smart contract or sending your crypto from wallet to wallet is going to be relatively expensive. It largely depends on how ambitious you want to be with your project and how it best fits your crypto's use case. It's important to remember too that what you started out as you don't have to stay forever. Your project can always fork over to become a new coin or a token on whatever blockchain your team believes makes the most sense.AA
How can I go about getting early seed stage startup funding for a new cryptocurrency?
A crypto currency amounts to potentially strong substitute for brick & mortar-like and financial-intermediary based- transaction structures. It is a large idea, it is game changing, and it requires a rather substantial balance sheet and time to move from concept, to prototype, to commercial viability. Having been part of a similar disruption in the financial intermediation / transaction-facilitation space, I can confidently it will take years (3 to 5) and a substantial team (6 to 8 seniors plus outsourcing) to take a concept to fruition, and earn your first dollar. Conceptually, and as a strong substitute/alternative to traditional structures (and currencies), your idea is most attractive to those larger or international companies seeking to expand in emerging markets around the globe (Note: Firms in Africa are among the largest users/traders of bitcoin). You might consider a two stage approach. First, find a market leader in the US, a real powerhouse, with belief in your concept, and with a depth of connections and quality of force to lead a start-up drive. Bring them into your team on a partner basis (giving them a lions share). Then, as a second stage, let them led the effort to attract the start-up / development team, the specialized talent, the pocket books of seed round investors, and access to potential customers. Have no doubt, this is a heavy, heavy lift - and you will need to commit for YEARS regardless of the financial impact on you. (Especially that typical Seed and VC are skittish over Fintech, which has produced 98% losers, and only 2% winners (because nearly everyone underestimates how sophisticated one needs to be to disrupt in a space that trades OVER $1 TRILLION PER DAY.) In short, play to your strengths (the conceptualization) and trade what you can (equity in the venture) to those who have a much better capacity to lead the venture through planning and seed funding. Budget what you need to be able to then do four things: customer validation, planning (tech, rollout, sales, and ops), transaction protocol design, and technology development budgeting. As relevant to your question - I was a Chief Marketing & Planning Officer for a powerhouse-led group of Wall Streeters and their financial intermediation disruption play (a business that is now skyrocketing). Happy to have a chat if this is something you really want to pursue.PC
What are the legal requirements for a cryptocurrency exchange in the United States that does not handle fiat currency?
The US Gov hates cryptocurrency. In fact if you read recent laws (last 5 years) you'll find the language is vague + it can be construed that if you're a US citizen + you hold cryptocurrency, you may be in violation of law. Better to simply stick with fiat currency produced by every government in the world. Treat income management as a currency exchange proposition. Whatever language you speak, just target selling whatever you're selling into a country that reverse correlates the highest to your currency. So if you live in New Zealand + US currency is strong against the Kiwi, then sell product into the US. This way you always win big, because some currency in some country will always be your best investment.DF
What is the best online business???
The best online business is that of E-commerce. E-Commerce businesses may employ some or all the following: 1. Online shopping websites for retail sales direct to consumers, 2. Providing or participating in online marketplaces, which process third-party business-to-consumer or consumer-to-consumer sales, 3. Business-to-business buying and selling, 4. Gathering and using demographic data through Web contacts and social media, 5. Business-to-business electronic data interchange, 6. Marketing to prospective and established customers by E-Mail or fax (for example, with newsletters), 7. Engaging in pretail for launching new products and services. But before you begin this best online business, understand that you must line up Commerce, Collaboration, Communication, Connection and Computation is one single row to achieve maximum profits and minimize the losses. Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonathJB
In the area of cryptocurrencies, can you tell me what an airdrop is?
An Airdrop is a free distribution of crypto coins (or tokens) to a number of members ranging from the privileged few to anyone who requests it. This distribution is often carried out by the creator of the token or currency in question. The purpose of this free distribution of tokens is multiple for the company : to make it possible to be known through the advertising of the airdrop, to make it possible to greatly increase the number of users who own and use the token to ensure the sustainability of the company, or to thank its community for their follow-up and their involvement in the project. If you have other questions don't hesitate to contact myself (for vocabulary you can easily find definitions on Google but for more technical questions it's sometimes more difficult) => http://pxlme.me/wCSdD7AkBD
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