MenuShould I go niche or be a general marketplace?
So I wanted to start a marketplace where businesses like restaurants or cafes or bakeries can sell off unused or old machines/equipment they no longer use. Would it make sense to be so niche or should I just be a marketplace where businesses can sell whatever unused/old inventory they have? Like unsold clothes?
Good question. Which idea makes more sense? You could organize a survey to be distributed to a small group of people that represent your potential clients. See where the demand is and make your decision on that. The less-niche approach sounds sort of like Craigslist, which might be hard to compete with. For that reason, I'd probably go with the first idea. But you may want to survey your audience first.
This is a good idea. I think it’s great to have variety based on what you’re trying to do. Definitely would sound like a site people can sign up on and list their unsold items and with the right SEO you can attract these people and sell them memberships.
First, let me say I think you have a good idea. I think starting out, you should focus on niche. Considering your idea, the riche market you're going after seems to be quite broad (think of all the bakeries/cafes etc. you can find in just one major city).
By going niche, you can quickly become the "go-to" expert in the field. This will help with word of mouth advertising, referrals and especially Google.
Once you've mastered that model, you can consider branching out (including more categories) or duplicating the model for another niche.
If you go broad, you'll be competing with Craigslist, Amazon, Facebook, and a variety of other "generic competitors.
Great idea - good luck with it!
A business ideal with a good cause!
Either niche or a general marketplace depends on many factors:
1. how much money you have or can raise.
2. the management team's capabilities & networks
3. the outcome of the product-market fitness test
4. the level of operating challenges in handling the old items
5. Make a choice between going straight to build a business or split some resources to keep the company survive while slow down the building of the business.
6. The business environment that worth to consider
The points above not exhaustive, but relatively important to help you to answer your question.
Some will say that the right move is to specialize: to finely hone your brand to target a particular niche. The more in-depth your targeting, so the argument goes, the better your chance of convincing your target audience to buy from you. You certainly can’t please everyone, and it’s difficult to establish a unique identity while trying to serve multiple distinct groups.
Of course, others will contend the opposite: that you’ll get ahead by giving your brand common appeal and exposing it to as many people as possible. Niche targeting puts the fate of your business in the hands of a relatively-small group of customers.
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Your support software should cater to your needs, depending on how your business operates. Fiver uses Vanilla forum and Zendesk. Thumbtack uses Zendesk. Not sure about AirBNB, their help center seems to be custom. Depending on how well funded your are, I would recommend starting with a free plan with one of the help desk SaaS products, or even using open source ticketing platform. Then, as your needs grow and you need integration with your marketplace, there's no reason you can't scale and migrate.VN
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It really depends on your mission and from where you intend to drive revenues. Asking a guest to create an account and log in in order to send an email to your customers could be seen as a stumbling block. The more you can encourage visitors to reach out to your customers, the more your customers will have a great experience, On the other hand, you have to make sure you all the security measures in place so your customers do not get spammed through your site. Give me a call to discuss further. I offer a free initial call to first time clients. Use this link: https://clarity.fm/kevinmccarthy/FreeConsultKM
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I like to separate your question into 2 sub-questions: #1 How do we determine which side to charge? #2 How much is the right amount to charge? On #1, my answer is that you can charge the side(s) for whom you add the most value. In your examples, Uber really solves a big problem for drivers, it's that they sit idle for a good part of the day, so are willing to pay a lot for new leads. (their alternative is no work) Consumers are charged more for the convenience of a private car but they are probably not so much willing to pay more for a taxi, even if they can hail one from their phones. For AirBnB, it's a mix, it's a way for landlords to monetize idle capacity which they are willing to pay for, but it's also a way for a renter to pay less than they would normally pay for a hotel. On #2 (how much), I like to triangulate a number of factors: - What's the maximum amount I can charge one side, while still being a good deal for them. - How much do I need to charge so that I can become profitable? (the economics are quite different if you charge 3% vs. 12%) - What are comparable services charging for substitutes/competitive offerings? I will just add that there is no formulaic way to determine pricing strategies (curated vs. open), and it's a lot more about what's the comparable and what the value delivered is. That's how I approached the question while deciding the business model at ProBueno.com (my startup)MR
When recording income for a marketplace startup, is it typical to use the gross transaction or just the fees collected per payment?
You usually only recognize the commissions as revenues and use the term "Gross Merchandise Value" (GMV) to describe the size of the marketplace (value of all transactions going through the site)BW
Freemium v.s. free trial for a marketplace?
It depends on a number of factors but I'd boil it down to two key things to start: 1) What is your real cost to provide a free plan or trial? 2) Who exactly is your customer and what are they used to paying and who and how do they pay today? When you say "online workforce marketplace" it sounds as though you're placing virtual workers. If that's the case, or if you're paying for the supply side of the marketplace, the question is how much can you subsidize demand? Depending on where you're at in the process, I'd also question how much you can learn about the viability of your marketplace by offering a free version, assuming again, that free is actually a real cost to you. I was part of a SaaS project that started charging people for early access based mostly on just a good landing page (we clearly stated they were pre-paying) and were amazed at the response. I've also run a SaaS product that offered free trials and realized that the support costs and hand-holding and selling required to convert from free trial to paid wasn't worth it, this despite the product's significant average ARR. You might be better off providing a "more information" sign-up form (to capture more leads) and let them ask for a free trial while only showing your paid options. I've been amazed at the lead capture potential from a simple "have questions? Click here and we'll contact you" This is all the generalized advice I can offer based on the limited information I have, but happy to dive-in further if you'd like on a call.TW
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