MenuHow to protect intellectual property like my coaching method?
Our CEO Georg is Austrian, but the LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) is registered in Canada.
We need to protect the coaching method. We are not sure if we need to do it in CA or in AT.
I would recommend upwards of three locations:
- Austria
- Canada
- Wherever you are primarily doing business
If your CEO is simply from Austria, and not doing business there, I don't think protection is necessary. If you are selling / presenting in the US (for example), I would strongly recommend trademarking the material there, as that is where the use will be.
All the best,
Look, I'll tell you straight up:
1. Why are you looking to get IP Protection on your coaching method?
2. Is it hard to copy your coaching method? If it's easy to copy, just don't bother wasting several thousand dollars on IP protection because people are going to copy anyway.
It all depends on how easy or hard it is to copy your coaching method.
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