MenuFor a small business (about 12 physical products), how much should I charge for implementing an online selling platform?
The business is here in the U.S.
Shipping only in the U.S.
USD currency only.
Their site is online.
Hi there, I wish I could give you an exact amount — or even a decent range. But, in reality, the answer is it depends.
There are a number of factors I would use to quote this. Some of those factors include:
- How much content, and what kind, is being created?
- How much time are you expected to put into strategy, planning, and vision casting?
- How well do you know the company culture that you are managing for? Will you be responsible for sourcing the answer to questions? What does that process look like?
- Are you expected to manage the ecommerce store on an ongoing basis? Maintenance?
- Are you coding this from scratch? Building out a Shopify or Woocommerce solution?
- Are you training them on how to use the product?
- Are you responsible for project management? Copywriting? Product photography?
As you can see, there are many factors to building out an ecommerce solution. Your original question, how much to charge, is dependant on how you answer these questions, your skill set, and how you value your time.
If you’d like more information, or would like to create a marketing strategy, I am happy to help. Just reach out and shoot me a note.
All the best,
If you can use a platform like WP, just charge for creating a baseline site with WooCommerce. Let them know that this cost will help them regardless of if they start with 1 product or grow to over 100. Price could be from $1500 to $5000.
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