Assume that the app will include a back end API and a back end data store, but that they need not necessarily be constructed with the same technology as the front end (the app on the mobile devices). By "technology", I mean programming language and/or framework and/or platform.
Apps have become as important as essential as elements that shape the human ecosystems called the cities. Without the apps it is not possible to live a healthy life. There are apps for everything, from social media apps, to science apps, from business apps to banking apps, everything around us and every business is run on apps single handed. As India entered lockdown mode due to Covid-19 in March, more and more people logged into smartphone applications for everything, ranging from video-calls to studies to gaming and even shopping. New modes to communicate like Houseparty and Zoom saw the biggest spikes in fresh user installs, given their small base. But established large social media platforms like TikTok and mobile game PUBG (which were later banned by India) also witnessed a 50-80% increase in active users between February and March, according to data from US-based analytics platform SimilarWeb shared with TOI. Interestingly, online shopping applications like Flipkart, Amazon India and Myntra have seen a 40-50% spike in activity even as business crashed in March as more consumers trapped at home browsed these applications to source essentials but were disappointed. Monthly downloads of video-calling application Zoom, which is also being used by schools to conduct classes, have increased 17-fold from 500,000 in February to over 8.7 million in March. Similarly, Houseparty, which is being used friends and family to play games and talk to each other, has seen the number of monthly active users (MAUs) increase about 16 times to 328,000 in the same period. The average time being spent increasing eightfold to 24 minutes, indicating that it is being used multiple times.
Gaming and entertainment applications are not far behind, as everyone has more time on their hands. PUBG — the last man standing in the blockbuster game — has seen MAUs increase by 80% to nearly 19 million. Casual games like Ludo King and Carrom, which many are playing with their families and friends while staying at home, have also increased by 50-75%. Additionally, these games are seeing a more significant increase in downloads as well, indicating that they are getting a lot newer user. Video streaming platform MX Player, which is owned by the publishers of this newspaper, saw a spike of 35% in MAUs.
With all schools conducting classes online, many expect the lockdown to achieve what demonetisation did for digital payments. All start-ups in the space, including Byju’s, Toppr and Vedantu, have announced free classes for users, resulting in record fresh sign-ups. Unacademy, an ed-tech start-up backed by Facebook, said students spent a record 1 billion minutes on its platform in March with growth ramping up further in April. Even the online retail sector, which TOI reported on March 30 is expected to take a $1-billion hit in sales due to the lockdown, are seeing increased user engagement by focusing on just essentials like grocery and infection-control items. But business remains a fraction of the usual size as consumers are searching more for electronics, which accounts for most of the online retail business in India.
To get the users’ attention and make them use your app, you must come up with an app that is trending, which has a user-friendly interface, and the app that matches the current bar of digitization. To do so, one must have a perfect knowledge of the technologies that can help create a user-friendly and robust app. With the correct understanding of mobile app development technologies, the app developers can come up with some unique apps which can do great business.
Mobile App development technologies are as follows:
1. Flutter: Flutter, an open-source mobile app development SDK, is created by Google. It is used for creating high-quality, cross-platform native interfaces for both iOS and Android platforms. Flutter uses Dart to help mobile app developers build native interfaces. Dart is one of the new programming languages. With the flexibility it has in development, it has become one of the broadly used mobile app development technologies. Some of the apps developed using Flutter are Google Ads, Reflectly, Xianyu by Alibaba, and many more.
2. Java: Java, an object-oriented programming language, is an official Android development language. It is a language that is easy to handle. It has open-source libraries that are readily available for users to choose from. Java is a technology that offers the best documentation and community support. With Java, developers can create any mobile application. Frameworks like TestNG and Log4J are developed using Java. Besides this, some applications that are developed using Java are SeeWeather, the VLC media player, Telegram for Android, and many more.
3. Python: Python is a widely accepted programming language. This language is fast, easy-to-use, and easy-to-deploy. Python helps develop scalable web apps. Popular apps like YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and SurveyMonkey are all built-in Python. This language provides excellent library support. It has a large developer community. This language possesses strong integration, and it provides enhanced control capabilities. Python provides a high starting point for all start-ups.
4. Swift: Swift is a new open-source programming language for watchOS, iOS, OS X, and tvOS apps that builds on the best of C and Objective C. This language adopts a safe programming pattern and also adds modern features to make the programming more flexible and more comfortable. It is a programming language with the first industrial-quality systems, and it is expressive and enjoyable as a scripting language. Apps like Lyft, LinkedIn, and Hipmunk are some of the apps developed and upgraded in the iOS version by Swift.
5. React Native: React Native is an informative list of mobile app development technologies. It is an open-source framework developed by Facebook. This technology helps the app developers build cross-platform native mobile apps with the use of ReactJS and JavaScript. With React Native, one can develop cross-platform apps with the look, feel, and function exactly like native apps. Some of the apps developed using React Native are AirBnB, Myntra, UberEats, Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram, and many more.
6. Kotlin: Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that is used for developing modern Android applications today. Kotlin is said to be the advanced version of Java. For Android developers, this language is a modern answer to obsolete Java. Kotlin is a language that has influenced some other programming languages such as Scala, Gosu, Groovy, Java, etc. Apps written in Kotlin are Pinterest, Trello, Evernote, Coursera, and many more.
7. R Programming: R programming language is one of the best languages for Data Analysis and Machine Learning. R programming is a platform-independent language. R provides excellent built-in libraries and frameworks that can help you develop powerful Machine Learning algorithms. This language is also used for graphics as well as general statistical computing. Developing R packages is easy for anyone who learns this language. The enterprises are adopting R very well.
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