MenuWhat works better for ranking product pages in the SERP: long descriptive page url or shorter precise url?
If I need to choose between,
Black 3/4 leggings - High waist tights
Gym Tights Black with Red Banding SUPPLEX Fabric For Comfortable Fit
I'll name my URL,
and in the title, I'd write "Black 3/4 Leggings - High Waist Tights" and the description of the product (and also on the meta description) I'd have, "Gym Tights Black with Red Banding SUPPLEX Fabric For Comfortable Fit"
And do go to Google Keyword Planner to check what are the most searched keywords for the product above in your country. You create a Google Adwords without a credit card, watch this tutorial, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n8PWPDf4kk&t=26s
Hope this helps.
The length of the URL has very little relevance to rankings. I prefer to use shorter URLs for better readability and user experience. Long URLs are impossible to type in manually, where, if necessary, short ones can be.
The length makes no difference. However, the keywords themselves need to be things that are being searched for regularly AND that you actually stand a chance of being found for (ie you're on or pretty near to page 1).
Google Keyword Planner is a cool (and free) way to find out how many people are searching for your keywords every month. To check out the competition, just search for various combinations of keywords in google and see what sort of sites you're up against. There's more to it than that but broadly iif you see page 1 locked out with really massive sites then that's going to be an expensive keyword to target.
In theory if you stuff in more keywords then you stand more chance of hitting on something google likes. But if it looks unnatural to users then you'll have a disadvantage from that point of view.
Best approach in my experience is to research keywords thoroughly to find any big opportunities (ie high search volume/low competition). Target those opportunities in particular but otherwise just build content that looks naturally good to your users. A very large proportion of google searches are unique so you can rely on the fact that good content and good backlinks will get you hits!
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Need a good lead generation strategy for chiropractors for getting new patients. Ideas?
I think Facebook is great for really targeting your audience and you’re on the right track. But I think you can have a better funnel than that. I find, for getting better conversion today, it is better to get your Facebook traffic off of Facebook as fast as you can to your offer and into your funnel. It is more effective for driving actual sales. If you’re just looking for social branding etc. then your funnel might be ok. A very effect strategy is to create either a video or report that you give away to your audience in exchange for an email. It should be something that helps solve or bring to light the problems patients are suffering from and how to go about solving them. Then mention how having a great Chiropractor can solve all of that and can be the most effective way to get ride of the pain. I would also have some things in there that would help them in other ways. Then I would send them to an event or webinar with your top Chiropractor and you in an interview / reveal-all type webinar to educate your lead and manage their fears of going to a Chiropractor. You could tell them that the first step is making an appointment for an assessment. You should make it easy for them to find the best and most effective Chiropractor in their area. You might have a discount on the assessment only available to them for being on the webinar to get them to sign up at the end of the webinar. By the way, once this is recorded, you can make this evergreen so you don't have to do a webinar all the time. As long as you are reaching more and new people with your Facebook campaign you won’t have to change the video all the time. Once you have people signed up to make an appointment, make sure they are also putting a deposit of a 100 dollars or something down. This will increase your show rate for the Chiropractors. Then give them a voucher for that Chiropractor, for more than you’re asking for at the deposit for services, to use with that Chiropractor. Allowing you to prevent cancelations etc. so that their getting their money back in the form of a voucher for services which, by the way, is not a discount and shouldn’t diminishing your Chiropractors Rates. This strategy I have used in several markets that has produced more prequalified leads and patients / customers. Remember to test, track and know your metrics. You’re going to need to make some tweaks in the beginning, but this can be very effective for you. So to recap: 1. Setup a landing page with your offer in exchange for an offer. You can build this in software like Leadpages.net or Megaphoneapp.com 2. Make your offer downloadable if an ebook or white paper or present your video after. I recommend using Wistia instead of YouTube for playback as you will be able to have heat maps of your video to know where your fall off points are. You can also make this page with the software mentioned above. 3. Use an email autoresponder to engage your lead and email them about the event you’re doing after they had time to read or download your materials. Or, if a video, I would just pitch them at the end with a link below the video to automatically register. 4. Put on a webinar with your guest using either GoToWebinar or Google hangouts if you know how to set that up. 5. Make sure you have your appointment getting page with your the down payment created. You can use several different type of scheduling services so you can automatically deliver the lead/ appointment to the chiropractor. To Note: The reason I don’t send the visitor to the webinar first is because it is better to get the visitor predisposed to your information before asking them to commit to a webinar and when you do it the way I played out, you will have a much better show rate. This is it in a nutshell. Obviously there is more to it. If you need another funnel idea I am hear to help. I have used other effective strategies in the past to also make money on the front end to make your advertising free. It just depends on what you want to do and how advanced you want to get. Hope this helps give you some ideas. :) If you need help implementing something like this just let me know.MH
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