MenuWhat do popular apps on the App Store do to launch so massively?
I would say simply: a patience.
Build the momentum much before the release, months or years.
Release when people rave about your app.
If you are solving a big problem through your startup then people will love you and will definitely use your app. Necessity is the mother of invention and failure is the mother of success. So don't be afraid to fail, just build it and present it to the consumers.
For a massive launch, you have to do Growth Hacking. It's a combination of engineering and marketing. This is the practice that is common in leading startups for the app launch.
I am sure, I can help you if you wish to setup a call. I am an expert with multiple skills :)
My best wishes.
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Where is the best place to find an affordable mobile app developer?
You can hire app development freelancers from www.odesk.com and www.elance.com. I am an app developer myself, and I got profiles on both of these networks, a link is given below: https://www.odesk.com/users/~012d73aa92fad47188 Please feel free to get in touch to discuss ideas and clarify any confusions, I will be glad to help.NA
Are there any techniques when selling door to door, specifically a B2B model?
Im sure you'll will find many diff approaches but overall your main goal, once you contact, is to always be accessible, friendly and build relationships. Even if your relationships are thin, they are better quality leads for business than you simply walking into a business pitching your product. When pitching your product: Always focus in value, talk to your soon to be clients as if you deal with the issues first hand and this is how you solve them... Don't discuss pricing unless asked. Offer any help or guidance in selecting services even from the competition if they want.. Sell yourself as a rep from a company that is paid to help not sell... This approach works wonders if you can pull it off.. If you have less time during intros or pitching local retail shops you have to be more direct but still aim for a relationship than a quick sale before you move on next door. Learn a bit about their business like busiest hours, popular item or service...after your intro simply offer them more time when they are less busy with clientele to come back to talk about fuckng a certain issue (with a product you represent) :) Hope it helps a bit.HV
Do angel investors look for a certain number of active users when investing in an app startup that has recently launched, 5,000-10,000+?
First of all, there is no "one size fits all" attitude in angel investing. I will tell you that the *best* angels will make a snap decision by playing with the product and assessing founder/market fit. At the right valuation, the kinds of angels you really want backing you will invest purely based on a killer early product experience and conviction of founder/market fit. But if you have made your app available in the US app store already, you have made a critical tactical error if your app isn't already trending towards 100,000 installs within the first 30 days of availability. Apps should first launch in a non US, english-speaking store to do early product/market fit work. Your "day one" event in the US app store matters to seed investors and many angel investors. While there are exceptions (most often in SaaS or enterprise mobile models), there are only 4 times to raise funding from seed funds for a mobile start-up stage company: Pre-product: A deck, a market opportunity and a team. Pre-launch: Product fully built but holding launch for funding. This will usually involve a private beta of at least 1000 users or a soft launch in an international store. 30 - 90 days after US launch: Must be at or trending towards 100,000 installs with very strong month-over-month growth. If you miss those windows, the next time to raise is after you pass over 1,000,000 with strong retention and engagement that correlates to your business model and user personas. As a mobile-first entrepreneur and angel investor, I'm happy to talk to you about this in more detailTW
If I'm looking to create a mobile app for my startup, should I first hire a designer or a developer?
Designer. Specifically a UX "designer" as you say, who doesn't just draw screens, and won't draw any for weeks or months. They will not just use their knowledge but will go out and talk to users, observe how they solve the same problem today, and help create the scope of work, and design the basic functionality. If you hire a developer first, they will build stuff that may or may not be of any value. If the company survives the first few rounds of building the wrong thing, you are still spending a hell of a lot in rebuilding, re-marketing, etc. etc.SH
How can I sell my app idea, and do I need to get it patented?
This is a little hard to answer because it is so vague. It depends on the area, the market and the strength of innovation. I know that The App Guy has a terrific podcast at http://www.theappguy.co/ and is also trying to organize a community for App developers to sell their ideas. Let me know if I can be of further assistance to discuss patentability in terms of its value to getting a sale or license. What ever you do, don't spend money filing a full patent, just a provisional. Good luck.TH
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