MenuHow to restructure incentives and compensation for founders as start-up transitions to early stage and revenue?
If you were going to sell the business, the first thing a knowledgeable buyer (or investor) would do is normalize the wage expense vs. fair market.
If you and the other founders are not paying yourselves what you would earn working for a stranger, then your financial statements are meaningless because you're literally subsidizing the operations of the company with free labour.
You've indentured yourself to this venture.
If revenues are growing and you can afford to pay yourselves what a stranger would pay you for the work that you do and there is a profit left over after that, congratulations, you've got a real business.
Arrange a call if you'd like to discuss your case in particular. I've gone through this with many clients and helped them through the partnership issues that can normally arise from addressing it.
David C Barnett
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1) Look up local universities and email the chairperson of whichever programs relate to the type of cofounder you need (i.e. electrical engineering, marketing, etc.). You could even possibly go there in person and put up a sign on a bulletin board. 2) There may be relevant Meetups in your area, go there and network with attendees (www.meetup.com). 3) If you're specifically looking for engineers, look up local 'hacker' / maker spaces that may exist in your area (see here: https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/List_of_Hacker_Spaces). Send me a message if you want to discuss more options and how to access them, all the best, LeeLV
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