MenuWhat is the right time to try to raise funding if you are developing an app that will be capital intensive to go to Market with?
You're facing an uphill battle. Angels and Seed Funds see a new app every hour of the day. Same goes for incubators and accelerators. No one will invest cold because there is no way to protect it. There's nothing patentable. You'll have to show rapid user adoption. If you can hit 10-20k users within a few months after launch, you might have a chance. Even then, it will be tough because so many that have a quick adoption rate see their monthly user rate fall through the floor. You'll also need to live in a major hub - San Fran, Austin, NY or Boston.
If you still want to pursue your idea, start small and test each feature before investing a significant amount of money. Research the Agile method of software development and follow it. If you want to talk, I'd be happy to talk you out of pursuing this idea. Ha. Just kidding - sorta.
I've been running an app development company for the last 6 years and come across this question frequently.
"Proven" means you have put your MVP out there, spent a little bit on advertising and marketing (I'd go with Facebook Ads to start) and can "prove" there is market. In other words, your metrics can support a demand for your product - people respond to the ad, download the app and you can show app retention/growth. I would not rely on app store reviews and ratings as proof as those can easily be fabricated. However, real app metrics that you get from analytics and Flurry have meaning as they are based on data.
You dont need critical mass to show your concept is marketable and there is an audience, but you do need to take it to market first.
IMO, the only entrepreneurs who can secure funding based on a pitch deck without an MVP are ones that have a track record of starting and exiting other successful companies. Good luck!
If you have a business that is likely to be capital intensive, I would raise seed capital as early as possible. Sure, some VCs want this and some Angels want that, but that's a generalization and you could certainly find the right investor with enough diligence to seek them out.
Before you seek funding you need to ensure you're buttoned up with your business plan and proof of concept. If you're app is new, but carries some similarities to others, then use that competitive knowledge to frame up the opportunity for an investor. A savvy and aggressive investor doesn't need to see every nut and bolt to evaluate an opportunity, but they do need to gain an understanding of where you fit into the market place in order to have a perspective on market potential. Good luck.
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Whats are some ways to beta test an iOS app?
Apple will allow a developer to register 100 UDID devices per 12 month cycle to test via TestFlight or HockeyApp. Having started with TestFlight, I would really encourage you NOT to use it, and go directly to HockeyApp. HockeyApp is a much better product. There is also enterprise distribution which allows you far more UDID's but whether you qualify for enterprise distribution is difficult to say. As part of your testing, I'd encourage to explicitly ask your testers to only register one device. One of the things we experienced was some testers registering 3 devices but only used one, essentially wasting those UDID's where we could have given to other testers. Who you invite to be a tester should be selective as well. I think you should have no more than 10 non-user users. These people should be people who have either built successful mobile apps or who are just such huge consumers of similar mobile apps to what you're building, that they can give you great product feedback even though they aren't your user. Specifically, they can help point out non obvious UI problems and better ways to implement particular features. The rest of your users should be highly qualified as actually wanting what you're building. If they can't articulate why they should be the first to use what you're building, they are likely the wrong tester. The more you can do to make them "beg" to be a tester, the higher the sign that the feedback you're getting from them can be considered "high-signal." In a limited beta test, you're really looking to understand the biggest UX pain-points. For example, are people not registering and providing you the additional permissions you are requiring? Are they not completing an action that could trigger virality? How far are they getting in their first user session? How much time are they spending per user session? Obviously, you'll be doing your fair share of bug squashing, but the core of it is around improving the core flows to minimize friction as much as possible. Lastly, keep in mind that even with highly motivated users, their attention spans and patience for early builds is limited, so make sure that each of your builds really make significant improvements. Happy to talk through any of this and more about mobile app testing.TW
What is the best technology for developing a new mobile app from scratch?
There are two sides to that question. One is the mobile app itself and the other is the backend. If I misunderstood in any way and you didn't mean "native" app I apologize in advance. On the backend, there is no clear cut answer to which is the "best". It depends solely on the developers you are able to get. We for example use Node.js , mongoDB, redis, elasticsearch and a couple of proprietary tools in the backend. But you have your pick of the litter now both on the backend api and the datastore with the myriad of options available and touted as the "best" currently on the market. Now on the app side again it solely depends on what you need your mobile app to do. Experiencing first-hand "develop once, run anywhere" I can say it's more like "develop once, debug everywhere" to quote a Java saying. We have tried Phonegap and Titanium Appcelerator and we have switched to native (ObjC and Java) after a couple of months of trying to go the hybrid route. The reasons behind the choice are as follows: - anything that breaks the pattern of how those frameworks NEED to operate is just a huge technical debt that keeps accruing a huge interest. - anything that uses css3 accelerated animations on Android is buggy at best and slow as hell at worst on any lower (< 4.1 I think) versions of Android I hope this gives you some insight. If you need/want to ask me anything feel free to contact me. MihaiMP
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Where can I find programmers willing to join a growing mobile start up for equity only?
You won't find anyone worth adding to your team willing to work for equity only, no matter how compelling your product and business is. The realities of the talent market for mobile developers anywhere is such that a developer would be foolish to work only for equity unless they are a cofounder and have double digit equity. Happy to talk about hiring and alternatives to full-time hires.TW
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