MenuHow do I get a meeting with a venture capitalist and/or angel?
This question has no further details.
1. Check angel.co and other sites for investors who align with your values, type of business, sector etc.
2. See if you have mutual friends on LinkedIn and if so ask for introductions
3. If not then send a brief email with a one page pitch (I can help you formulate these)
4. Follow up with a phone call if you can get hold of their number
Spend as much time as it takes to come up with answering this question..Why would I buy your product or service? This will give you your USP. From there you will develop your drive, your, passion, and your marketing voice. From this you will develop unstoppable perseverance for success.
Secondly, type in words related to your product and put the name of the newspaper, media name that you want behind it in the search. For example, (type of product), startup money, angel investor, WSJ. Then contact the persons in the story. I have been featured in NYT, WSJ, ABC News and other media by doing this.
Best of Luck,
From the Trenches to the Towers Marketing
I will be glad to help as my time permits.
Short answer: depends on who, why and where.
Maybe this can help you to start: https://medium.com/startup-study-group/1-trick-to-get-a-vc-bd36f9dbff5b#.4vu98nfkb
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As Ken suggested, there is a wide breadth of mobile offerings and although there are some great "mobile only" funds, each investor / fund has their own thesis that makes them interested in some but disinterested in others. Also, if your revenue generating, you should seriously consider bootstrapping further. Revenue is treated very strangely in early-stage investing and *might* work against you. AngelList is a great way to research investors but not effective in actually connecting with them. Find investors who you are confident will be passionate about what you're doing based on prior job experience or what you know they are investing in. Happy to talk in a call to help explain this further if you need more clarity.
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From my experience I would not advise you to go with Venture Capital when you're a start-up as in the end they will most likely end up screwing you. A much better source for funding would be angel investors or friends/family. The question of how much equity should I give away differs for every start-up. I remember with my first company I gave away 30% because I wanted to get it off the ground. This was the best decision I ever made. Don't over valuate your company as having 70% of something is big is a whole lot better than having 100% of something small. You have to decide your companies value based on Assets/I.P(Intellectual Property)/Projections. I assume you have some follow up questions and I would love to help you so if you need any help feel free to call me. Kind Regards, Giuliano