MenuShould I use Zend Framework 2 as the framework for my subscription ecommerce site?
Zend Framework 2 is one of the most used Frameworks out there standing next to Symfony 2/3. For example the Magento Shop Engine is based on Zend Framework 1 as well.
This said Zend Framework 2 is a good choice for web applications in general and there are lot's of developers out there. Zend.com even offers certifications as Zend Framework 2 Certified Architect - so you can use their Yellowpages to find capable developers.
Anyways I would not recommend to start creating an ecommerce site from scratch since the existing engines provide so much more than a nice frontend for customers and payment gateway integrations. There are many existing engines you can customize - what most shops do.
You just missed about Laravel. Laravel php framework is the widely used in all over the world. https://belitsoft.com/laravel
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