MenuWhat steps do I need to take to get a small venture capital fund ready to accept funds and start making investments?
More specifically what is the list of documents that I need to prepare?
What do investors need to read over and sign before I can accept their capital?
If someone could provide an A-Z guide or something along those lines, that would be awesome.
So if I understand correctly you're building your own fund and you're trying to raise capital to make investments.
Building your own fund is a very complex process (I know, I did it with mine). You will need to get a law firm to help you build the GP docs and the LP docs: NDA, LPA, SBD, PPM, Term sheets etc.
I could help you with a call if you have more questions.
I do have some samples of these documents and can recommend some law firms.
There is no single set process. It depends upon the type of fund, its objectives and who your investor base will be. the closer to institutional investors and the further from your immediate circle of contacts, the more complex and legalistic the process becomes.
Here is the list of documents that you need:
1. Pitch Deck
2. Term Sheet
3. SHA
4. Cap Table
5. NDA
Feel free to setup a call if you wish to understand in detail.
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