I am planning to test an idea in the area of classifieds/aggregation. I want to develop features fast - so that feedback from users can be used to direct the product improvements & features.
In that context, I am leaning towards a hybrid application (Using Ionic/Framework7/OneSen UI or similar). I would like to understand the impact of having an hybrid app on user experience. Also as of 2015 - can you not still use Camera & GPS using Hybrid apps? Camera and GPS are features I would like to have in my app for some of the functions.
Native is not much of a choice as in the past I have had challenges finding the right people and turning around features fast. Also, we might have a website but most of the features will be driven from mobile only.
I would suggest you to go with ngAngular ( as it is a fast way to get things done quick. There are a lot of plugins that are good to go out of the box, including Camera and GPS.