I am running a very large business conference in Chicago this August for Entrepreneuers, C-Suite Execs, and other motivated business leaders to professionally network and learn at a higher level.
We are The Event for Personal and Professional Success.
We have an amazing lineup of famous keynote speakers but I am having trouble finding speaker/sponsors to give short educational presentations to our attendees on various business topics they have expertise in.
My goal is to trade the value of our events exposure for the experts educational content to our attendees. This is clearly a great opportunity for representatives or business owners to showcase their expertise and gain exposure for their brand due to the attendee profile of our event. It is an investment as it would clearly drum up some new business for them.
Any advice on what type of person to contact or where I should find them? How should I approach them? How to start the conversation?
I recommend taking a look through both Pulse and the Groups on LinkedIn. Folks who have great expertise to share are often contributing solid posts. A well-structured and thoughtful post will also show you their communications tone and whether they approach the subject in a way that leaves valuable takeaway thoughts with the reader.
So, my suggestion:
Go to Groups and plug in a keyword for a topic you'd like to find an expert on
Scan for groups with good focus (Technology Entrepreneurs or Integrated Marketing, e.g.) and browse a few of the larger groups discussions. Cjeck the 'popular discussions tab
Engage in the discussion and ask if they would be interested in a speaking opportunity
Repeat for each topic you're seeking expertise.
Hope you find this useful - I have located many subject matter experts throughout the globe this way.