MenuHow could I seek out a Mentor? Preferably a Mentor who's already had a successful Business.
i'm 18 and looking to find someone who can help me pursue my dreams and my vision, Im willing to work for free if i have to, as long as someone can help mentor me.
Great question! I recently came across a mentoring website called http://www.micromentor.org/ which could be a great place to start. Additionally, I like this site as well: https://www.dreamseedo.org/. One final way you can approach this especially if you are looking to start a business is to do the e-learning route through a website I found called http://startitup.com. It is completely free and takes your through an interactive Lean Launch Program so you can better articulate what your vision and dreams are. One final mentor source that I have found to be most valuable, read inspiration and motivational business books. They will ultimately create within you a thirst for knowledge. Think and Grow Rich is my all time favorite and is a timeless classic. Good luck my friend!
This is a great question. I had the same question 15 years ago.
I recommend you this:
1-Write on a paper what you would love to learn about. What would be something that if someone gives you 10 books about it you will read them all without any problem. What is that thing that if someone would ask you to do you will do for free over and over again.
2-Who are the people (close to where you live) that are the best in what you find out in point 1. Your "heroes". Find who they are and how they interact. Read what they write and listen to what they say. Would you like to work for them?
3-Approach them. This is a whole thing on itself! Depends on each person and where you are.
Get started !
I recommend the site Mentorcity.com. It connects with your LinkedIn profile and you set up more details describing your soft skills and professional expertise, the things you are looking for and the things you have to offer. Then up to four recommendations come up for you to consider as a mentor, you set up a 15 minute conversation to see if you want to work together and you go from there. The site has very useful forms and resources, references and ways to connect. You can very specifically target the skills and type of support you are looking for in a mentor and there is less likelihood of the "chemistry" not working. Give them a try and let me know what you think! Oh, did I mention it is free?
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Making sales and figuring out what potential customers want. Really, everything else can be done after you've proven that there really is a business opportunity. www.DavidCBarnett.comDC
What are the best practices when it comes to wring business plans/proposals?
Hi! I work with entrepreneurs who are exploring opportunities and launching and I lecture in Entrepreneurship on the side. The answer to your question is it depends on the purpose of your business plan and who the audience is. If it's for yourself to help you plan the business, then a good place to start is a business model canvas which quickly captures your ideas and shows you areas you need to focus on. If you are planning on going to a bank for funding, you will need the traditional 20 - 40 page business plan. Some investors will want similar, some won't. You would produce different documents to get key partners or suppliers on board. If the planning and opportunity evaluation process is new to you, you will save a lot of time and money by getting someone on board who can guide you through this process. I'm happy to jump on a call with you to help you with this.SJ
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