We're a non-profit niche social networking company serving a minority group. We are have a volunteer working on marketing our pending web social network app, however as CEO, I'm looking forward to hire an expert in web marketing tactics mainly to help make our launch a successful one.
The main role of the person is with helping us plan with our marketing strategies as well as helping us implement them. We are very hard pressed with resources, what's the best way to hire one which we can afford, at say a rate of $10/hr or even less. I really do not have trust in freelance websites because of the poor quality I've received from them so far.
Freelance services like ours are not always over the top and expensive at all these days. You just have to find the right skilled marketing person to lead the way with some no traditional thinking.
Most social media cmapiagns cost next to nothing in relations to what things cost in the past with marketing actions.
A profeesional Wordpress blog built-out with content management should cost between $400.00 -$800.00 a month including cost of the site. This is all it cost for New Media Marketing Consultant to have you on the first page fist link organic results of all search engines.
If you have any questions please feel free to message me and view my profile for more options..
Thank You,
John Ciampa
Bloggers School Media