MenuWhat is taxable when purchasing Real Estate, if the money came from someone else $500k?
When purchasing Real Estate, if the money came from someone else $500k directly to escrow and the property is in the name of an individual. When the asset is sold after 2 years and the individual keeps all the money, is the profit the one taxed as capital gains only? Or because the individual is keeping all the money that wasn't his (with permission of the individual that paid for the asset) will the whole $500k pay some sort of tax?
That is a really ambiguous question - if someone gave you money, it really doesn't matter what you did with it. The money they gave you needs to follow tax laws related to gifting. If you invested that money and made a profit, you need to pay capital gains on your profits unless you have done something to off-set or delay paying those taxes.
At the point someone gives you $500,000, they are subject to a gift tax (so they would be paying). Once you receive the money though, it would be yours free and clear so you would only be subject to the capital gains (the 500K would be part of the basis).
NOTE: I'm not an accountant, so you should really check with one and give them your detailed specifics if you are going to go forward.
There is an easy fix for that, but I would need more info to give you the best solution.
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The income should be reported by the individual or business that provided the service and earned the income. If the 1099 is in your name, you could ask the issuing Company to change to the S-Corp if that is who earned the income. In the future, have a written agreement between your S-Corp and the Company you are providing service. Also, provide them with a Form W9, so they know where to report the 1099 income at year end.CS
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Yes you should be reporting the capital contributions. Under the old Form 5472 rules, it's true that only items that impacted taxable income would be reportable transactions. So, a capital contribution by you to the corporation would not be reportable, unless the equity contribution was somehow below or above a fair value contribution in exchange for services that you might provide for the corporation - essentially an imputed reportable transactions. When the IRS changed the Form 5472 rules to require non-U.S. owned single member LLC's, they expanded the reportable transaction definition to include virtually everything. The term “transaction” is defined in Treas. Regs. Section 1.482-1(i)(7) to include any sale, assignment, lease, license, loan, advance, contribution or other transfer of any interest in or a right to use any property or money, as well as the performance of any services for the benefit of, or on behalf of, another taxpayer. So, for example, contributions and distributions would be considered reportable transactions with respect to such entities. These amounts can be reported on Lines 12 and 25 with an explanatory footnote that clarities the amounts are capital contributions and not amounts that impact taxable income.JK
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