My company is a design, sales and distribution company selling products in the kitchen. We have a new manual iced coffee maker that is super simple to use and brews delicious iced coffee that can store in your fridge for 2 weeks and is 65% less acidic than hot brewed coffee. It's going to hit the shelves of major big box retailers this summer. How can I get awareness quickly?
Find local TV station hosts that do morning talk shows. Send them a unit and track the package. Then send them an email with a link to a video/audio recording of you greeting them by name and telling them why you sent them the unit. Then show up at the TV station with 30 brewed ice coffees for the staff, put a note on each coffee that says "Courtesy of a fan of <name of TV show host>, and bring them to the receptionist (if you're worried about the local food health laws), bring 10 of the units themselves, with the aforementioned note, and ask the receptionist to give one unit to each of the senior executives/producers of the TV show. At least a couple staffers are bound to thank the TV show host (in the offices) for the unit and mention it. Then follow up with an email to the TV show host inquiring if she received it, if she liked it, etc., and that you'd love to be on the show and demonstrate it. Then rinse and repeat the same process for other local TV stations/newspapers/radio shows. Is this a little costly and time consuming? Yes (but far less than hiring a PR firm). Is it a little crazy? In a Richard Branson way, yes. But when it works, it gets you priceless attention