I'm more than open to having calls with Clarity but as a startup have liimied budget to allocate to coaching. Problem that Ifind is Idon't know if its a fit and don't have the budget to try everyone until I find the right one spending potentially thousands. I had a bad experience with an "expert" who offered no real value but costs $200. Any suggestions?
Most coaches that offer real value are not cheap! You'll find many of the more affordable ones don't have much real experience to pull from.
I found mine by asking for recommendations around the blogosphere, and being specific on what I was looking for. For example, I didn't want a coach who helps people launch businesses, since I already had my own business -- I wanted a coach who was experienced in helping small businesses scale. Being specific about what I wanted helped me narrow the field.
(I ended up with Charlie Gilkey of http://productiveflourishing.com. He's awesome.)