
Advisor/Mentor to Founders/NEDs

Created 4 years ago in Other
Advisor/Mentor to Founders/NEDs

I am a Non-Executive, Board Advisor/Mentor and Director with over 30 years Board level experience in Listed/Unlisted Companies in FS & Tech. Highlights include: Advisory Director for leading Fintechs (everything from strategy brainstorming to network introductions), NED of a Mayfair business club, advising many Fintechs and blue-chip FS institutions on Board-level matters, Merchant Bank Director for a decade, the first Global Head of Risk in the City reforming the entire Risk Governance, Chairing its Tactical Risk Committee, overseeing divisional business plans and having top decile performance when the youngest Head of Fixed Income Investment in the City.

I created a Fintech in 1998, generated 7-fig sales and arranged a trade sale for the business. I created Europe’s longest-running and most blue-chip Fintech Podcast, with over 600,000 downloads in 193 countries worldwide. The just short of 200 guests include not just the Founders of the hottest of the UK's businesses in its hottest tech sector but have also included the most senior policy makers - Lord Turner (last Head of the FSA), Sir Paul Tucker (former deputy Governor Bank of England) and the Lord Mayor. I founded The Unlisted Board, where I interviewed over 100 Unlisted and Listed Board members, mostly Founders about what goes wrong with Boards and more importantly how to put it right and have written the best-reviewed UK book on the entrepreneurial governance of Unlisted Company Boards, which currently has 100% 5/5* reviews on Amazon.

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