
Strategic Planning and Execution

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Created 11 years ago in Business / Getting Started
Strategic Planning and Execution

Using Hoshin Kanri, a systematic cross-functional strategic planning and execution methodology, to bring clarity and focus on shared goals, by involving all functional leaders in planning to achieve the goals and to hold participants accountable for achieving their part of the plan.
Hoshin planning is a seven-step process, in which you perform the following management tasks: (1) Identify the key business issues facing the organization. (2) Establish measurable business objectives that address these issues. (3) Define the overall vision and goals. (4)
Develop supporting strategies for pursuing the goals. (4) Determine the tactics and objectives that facilitate each strategy. (5) Develop supporting strategies for pursuing the goals. (6) Implement performance measures for every business process, and (7) Measure business fundamentals.
In Japanese, hoshin means "compass needle" or "direction". Kanri means "management" or "control" The name suggests how hoshin kanri aligns an organization toward accomplishing a single goal.

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