Professional philanthropist and entrepreneur. Co-founder of, Local Ruckus, KULA Causes, Kansas City Startup Foundation. Co-leader of the Kansas City Startup Village. Creator of the #boomsizzle hashtag.
Co-founding the Kansas City Startup Foundation in 2014, I've cultivated an understanding and tangible experience about startup ecosystem building over the years. This includes nonprofit creation, management, and growth.
As a co-leader of the Kansas City Startup Village (KCSV) since its inception, I'm extremely passionate about startups, entrepreneurs and startup communities. I can't say I'm an "expert", but I have learned a lot about forming & supporting startup communities over the last few years.
I've had an entrepreneurial mindset since I was in high school. I've co-founded and purchased various types of businesses, from e-commerce websites to sole proprietorships to full fledged startups. I'm a huge advocate for entrepreneurship and startups with the intent of being a life long learner as it relates to both of them.