With an expertise in Facebook Advertising, I'm best described by my coaching clients as a "targeting specialist" for Facebook ads.
Are you a business owner or entrepreneur looking to grow your business using the precision laser guided ad platform that Facebook offers, but not sure how where to start?
Did you know there are 1.4 billion active users on the FB platform? All whom have shared voluntarily shared their demographics, interests and behavioral trends. You can pull a seat up to the billion dollar control room and carefully place valuable & relevant information for your audience to discover and consume.
As a Certified Professional Coach I love serving small business owners & aspiring entrepreneurs in doing just that. While FB is my specialty, I utilize every ounce of my 16+ years of online marketing experience to include best selling Clickbank ebook, and multiple top selling marketing courses for local brick & mortar businesses. I've launched several online businesses to include Life Coach Marketing Academy, and serve as a Founding Partner of SellingOnSocial.com coaching program.
More recently I've launched a Facebook ads best practices & training premium newsletter called www.FBInsidersReport.com which helps struggling Facebook advertisers stay current with ad technology and trains subscribers on cutting edge strategies around FB Ads.
My goal is to actively coach individuals on setting up Facebook Funnels, and driving Facebook Traffic with a positive ROI.
If there are any ways I can serve you, I'd be honored to work with you time permitting. (please be advised I work on first come first serve basis with priority to subscribers of www.fbinsidersreport.com)