Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in ASP.NET/IIS, 12 years of experience on the IT market and cutting-edge technology, Entrepreneur
Microsoft Most Valuable professional in ASP.NET / IIS, Book author, speaker and freelance consulntant.
Marco is a very strong teacher and project leader. He motivated all my team's member to "raise the bar" and perform better than ever introducing good practice and showing us how to deal with day by day situation. I can only suggest him for any projects or consultancy. He will provide you the best solution and the better approach to problem.
Marco is one of the most valuable professional i've ever known. He is a skilled and versatile developer, an accurate analyst and a very helpful collegue. I very appreciate his contribution to the company and the high quality of his work.
Marco is an expert and skilled consultant, who can really make the difference in mission critical projects. If you need, you can always rely upon his availability and help in order to solve all the development issues. It's a great pleasure to work with him.
Marco took my previous position as a Content Manager, and I'm very happy with his work. He has great technical skills, good writing abilities, and, best of all, is totally addicted to his position. Totally recommended!