I like to help people overcome their psychological and emotional problems. I feel them. I know everyone is going through bad periods of life, but someone is giving up on their problems. I am here to help you overcome your problems.
If you have any personal, psychological or emotional problems, the best way to overcome these problems is to talk to me. I am not just your advisor. I am your friend. I will support you and give you the best advice to overcome your problems and will make you look better and have more confidence in yourself.
I give you my experience because I had so many psychological and emotional problems and lost everything, but by reading and taking coursework and hearing people's problems, I was able to overcome everything and I could become a better person in everything, so I feel you and I feel what you are going through, and I will give you my experience and give you the best advice.
I'm available all week. You can communicate with me at any time. We won't talk over the phone or a video call. We will talk in the best way to make you comfortable: text chat, because studies have shown that a person can better express their feelings by text chat.