Mohammed Kamil Sattar (born May 10, 1999) known as “The Ecom King is a British E-commerce entrepreneur
Kamil Sattar is the founder & partner in more than 3 companies in various industries, ranging from luxury goods, digital marketing, dropshipping and e-commerce. Kamil Sattar companies have combined annual sales of more than $3,000,000 a year. Kamil Sattar has been teaching business owners and their workforce for two years sharing his knowledge from being involved in e-commerce for 4 years and helping them grow to 6-7 figures in revenue.
Here's who we work with:
MARKETING TEAMS - Does your marketing team ever struggle to achieve their targets?
I can teach them effective marketing strategies using Facebook ads & Google Ads then teaching them how to create highly converting product pages or sales funnels.
BUSINESS OWNERS - Are you looking to maximise your online activities visibility and profitability?
I can advise and consult, train or even implement profitable tasks or campaigns that produces results.
E-COMMERCE & ENTREPRENEURS - Would you like to build your personal brand?
I can help you to be seen as the leading expert in your niche or community in as little as 12 months.
DROPSHIPPERS - Are you struggling to get consistent sales and remain profitable?
I will share with you my proven marketing strategies that I use to get hundreds of customers a week by giving you all my resources and secret marketing strategy.