Introducing Jonas Douri, a seasoned entrepreneur and digital marketing expert based in South West Florida. Jonas's journey began in 2015 when he moved to the US with a wealth of experience in Digital Marketing, earned through 15 years of working with small IT firms and major real estate projects.
In a short span, Jonas achieved remarkable success. He built an eight-figure construction venture in just three years and launched an accounting firm that thrived within two years. Along the way, he mastered the art of leadership and team building, successfully navigating both triumphs and setbacks.
What sets Jonas apart is his deep understanding of business dynamics, especially in today's digital age. Recognizing the vital role of digital marketing, he founded his own marketing firm, FunnelsLAB, with a mission to help fellow business owners succeed online. His expertise in leadership and team development ensures that clients can trust him to elevate their businesses to new heights.
With Jonas Douri as your partner, you can tap into his wealth of experience and leadership skills to propel your business to success in the digital landscape.