Intuitive UI Design
Created 9 years ago in Product & Design / User Experience

You need to make your UI more intuitive, but you're not sure what the means and have no idea how to get it. I can help!
I have extensive expertise in understanding what makes a UI intuitive and helping teams make it happen. I have written a ground-breaking on the subject called "UI is Communication", plus have spoken on this subject extensively at design conferences. Check http://uxburlington.com/speaker/everett.html for an example.
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Everett McKay
St Albans, VT, USA
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Principal of UX Design Edge, UX design consultant and trainer with global clientele. With 20+ years experience, have significant breadth and depth on a wide range of UX topics and work very quickly. We can get a lot done in 30 minutes or less! My specialties are remote design reviews, and helping you find practical, intuitive, simple, highly usable solutions extremely quickly, for web, mobile, and desktop apps. Author of “UI is Communication”, a ground-breaking approach to intuitive UI. Personally wrote the Windows UX Guidelines while at Microsoft. Have a technical background (BS/MS in CS from MIT), so work especially well with technical teams and have a low tolerance for design BS. Check uxdesignedge.com/about for details.
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