Founder of My Embodied Voice. Voice Healer and Life Coach. Passionate about bringing creation from seed through gestation into tend-able form. Mama x2, online presence wizardress, and high-vibe inspiration idea seeder.
Notice yourself freeze up when you flip the camera on? I can help you with that. We will be working from the energetic level, so this work is like a healing session mixed with a business lesson-- fun and effective! I have so much experience on camera, and would love to help you to feel comfortable and confident so that your authentic voice (and your expertise) can shine through. This work is also effective for public speaking.
Do you notice sabotaging patterns arise again and again when you go to get started? Behaviors or beliefs that seem to be protecting you from getting hurt, but are actually keeping you small and locked in? I can help you to heal those blocks, finding where they are in your energetic body and help you to come into alignment so that you can become a vessel for your fullness-- for your soul to birth it's creations through. When functioning from this soul level, your creations are nourishing to you (they bring financial flow, too) and they come forth and are sustained with great ease.
I will support you in clarifying your idea of a creation that wants to birth through you (a book, a program, a new business venture, a new branding, etc), supporting you through it's gestation and formation, it's birth into the world, and/or how to tend it so that it tends you.