
I Will Show You How to Get Any Job You Want, Whether or Not You Have a Degree.

Created 9 years ago in Skills & Management / Entrepreneurship
I Will Show You How to Get Any Job You Want, Whether or Not You Have a Degree.

In 2014, sometime after dropping out of college (or getting kicked out, depending on whom you ask) and being dumped by my girlfriend, I started getting my first job offers and freelance clients.

I had no degree and no more than a bit of sporadic work experience from my family’s company, yet opportunities started coming my way from industries ranging from commercial real estate to technology.

I was able to get these opportunities by testing two assumptions:

1) Most job “requirements” are negotiable.

What employers mean when they say “degree required” is really “value creation ability required.” They want someone who they trust will create more value for their company than they take out in wages. There are better ways to show this than a degree.

2) The common sense job getting strategies are nonsense.

What worked in a world where degrees and education were scarce no longer applies when everyone and your grandma have a bachelors degree, volunteered to build a pipe in South America, and a did a summer internship. When everyone is getting mediocre results doing something one way, maybe it’s time to try it another. That’s what I did.

Within a year or so I’d made over $100,000 and not long after became the Director of Marketing at a startup. Life has been a bit of a fairy tale since.

The steps I took to get from 20 year old college dropout to everything that has come my way in the past two years are simple, reproducible, and scalable as you continue you career beyond your first job.

Some may be counter-intuitive to what you’ve been taught, but what worked when I got started still works, and I’ve added considerably to it as I’ve gotten more experience in the real world.

Want to know how to get a job even if you don't have a degree, the early career mistakes young people make, or what to do instead of college?

I've spent the last two years learning how to do that and more.

Let's hop on a call together.

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