How to Fit Hustle Into Family.
As an entrepreneur, husband and father, the hardest thing for me was how to balance family life and business.
After a long team meeting about roles and responsibilities I came home and sat down to recharge after the day. My daughter needed a diaper change and my wife got upset that I did not take care of it.
I thought, why are we fighting over this??
I have no problem changing my daughter’s diaper but 95% of the time, my wife took care of it.
That’s when I had the epiphany. We just needed to define our roles and responsabilites at home!
So, we sat down and assigned roles and responsibilities, and 80% of our fights were instantly eliminated.
I thought, if this works so well maybe we can apply other business principles to our family life. And we did regular meetings, family core values, mission statements, budgeting, etc etc.
All these things that we do in business are there to make a group of people successful, aligned and to remove friction. And a family is also just a group of people.
It worked so well that I became obsessed with it and I started writing a book about it and have put together an online course wich you can find at