Have created 250 products for 120 companies, worked in 44 industries, generated $3.2 billion in new sales and save $5.4 billion in operating costs. Helped 4,500 people start their own businesses.
I'm an electrical engineer and designed 250 products for companies like Apple, Nortel, Texas Instruments and over 100 smaller companies. Co-inventor of WiFi Hotspots, have raised over $300 million, mostly used for product development and launches.
I've helped generate over $3.2 billion in new products and product launches. Have spent more than $250,000 on seminars and books to become a marketing expert in addition to being a product designer of 250 products.
I've helped companies save more than $5.4 billion in operating costs. Automated one of Apple's factors reducing workers needed from 500 down to less than 10 using a dozen robots, increased the productivity of call centers with custom workstations improving productivity 400% saving $90 million a year in labor and $36 million in capital equipment. Helped 6,000 hotels reduce costs by more than $3 billion. Focus on improving the processes first then automation and system optimization.